Package tests

Class QueueTest


public class QueueTest extends Object
A test class for testing MyDLList with the QueueADT interface.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Tests that we are removing the element to the Doubly Linked List.
    Checks that the deQueue method throws a NoSuchElementException if the Doubly Linked List is empty.
    Tests the enQueue method to verify if it's adding the element to the Doubly Linked List.
    Tests that the enQueue method throws a NullPointerException if we try and pass a null value in the param.
    Tests that we are able to access the first element of the Doubly Linked List.
    Checks that the actual method throws a NoSuchElementException if the Doubly Linked List is Empty.
    Tests that the isEmpty is returning the correct Boolean based on the size of the Doubly Linked List.
    Tests that the size modified correctly as you implement methods.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • QueueTest

      public QueueTest()
  • Method Details

    • test_Enqueue

      @Test public void test_Enqueue()
      Tests the enQueue method to verify if it's adding the element to the Doubly Linked List.
    • test_Enqueue_Invalid

      @Test public void test_Enqueue_Invalid()
      Tests that the enQueue method throws a NullPointerException if we try and pass a null value in the param.
    • test_DeQueue

      @Test public void test_DeQueue()
      Tests that we are removing the element to the Doubly Linked List.
    • test_DeQueue_Invalid

      @Test public void test_DeQueue_Invalid()
      Checks that the deQueue method throws a NoSuchElementException if the Doubly Linked List is empty.
    • test_Front

      @Test public void test_Front()
      Tests that we are able to access the first element of the Doubly Linked List.
    • test_Front_Invalid

      @Test public void test_Front_Invalid()
      Checks that the actual method throws a NoSuchElementException if the Doubly Linked List is Empty.
    • test_IsEmpty

      @Test public void test_IsEmpty()
      Tests that the isEmpty is returning the correct Boolean based on the size of the Doubly Linked List.
    • test_Size

      @Test public void test_Size()
      Tests that the size modified correctly as you implement methods.