All Classes and Interfaces

A test class for testing the MyArrayList class.
A test class for testing MyDLList class.
This interface will provide an mono-directional iterator for any of the data structures that are specified in this package.
The ListADT interface is designed to be used as a basis for all the Linear data structures that will be developed in the CPRG 304 class at SAIT.
A custom List implementation.
A custom Iterator implementation for MyArrayList.
An implementation of a double-linked list
An implementation of a Node for a double-linked list.
An interface representing the Queue Abstract Data Type.
A test class for testing MyDLList with the QueueADT interface.
A helper for all the test classes in tests.
An interface representing the Stack Abstract Data Type.
A test class for testing the MyArrayList class with the StackADT interface.