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tail - Variable in class utilities.MyDLList
test_add_Invalid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that when trying to add a null value that it will throw a null pointer exception and not increase its size.
test_add_Valid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the add method is able to add elements and increases the size.
test_AddAll() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the addAll method will copy one array into another.
test_AddAll_Invalid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the AddALl method will throw a NullPointer exception if we pass null into the parameter.
test_addFirst() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Tests that the addFirst method adds an element into the first index.
test_addLast() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Checks if the addLast method is adding the element to the last index.
test_Clear() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the set method throws NullPointerException when given a null value to the changeTo param.
test_contains_Valid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Checks that the contains method is returning the correct value.
test_DeQueue() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Tests that we are removing the element to the Doubly Linked List.
test_DeQueue_Invalid() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Checks that the deQueue method throws a NoSuchElementException if the Doubly Linked List is empty.
test_Enqueue() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Tests the enQueue method to verify if it's adding the element to the Doubly Linked List.
test_Enqueue_Invalid() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Tests that the enQueue method throws a NullPointerException if we try and pass a null value in the param.
test_Front() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Tests that we are able to access the first element of the Doubly Linked List.
test_Front_Invalid() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Checks that the actual method throws a NoSuchElementException if the Doubly Linked List is Empty.
test_Get() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Test that the value returned by the get method is correct.
test_Get_Invalid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Test that the get method throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException when an incorrect index is entered.
test_IsEmpty() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the IsEmpty returns true if size == 0 and false if it is greater than 0.
test_IsEmpty() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Tests that the isEmpty is returning the correct Boolean based on the size of the Doubly Linked List.
test_IsEmpty_Valid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Checks that the isEmpty method is working.
test_Peek() - Method in class tests.StackTest
Checks that the peek method is returning the last element in the ArrayList.
test_Peek_Invalid() - Method in class tests.StackTest
Checks that the peek method throws NoSuchElementException if the list is empty.
test_Pop() - Method in class tests.StackTest
Checks that the pop method is removing the element from the list.
test_Pop_Invalid() - Method in class tests.StackTest
Checks that the pop method throws NoSuchElementException if the list is empty.
test_Push() - Method in class tests.StackTest
Checks that the push method is adding the element to the list.
test_Push_Invalid() - Method in class tests.StackTest
Checks that the push method by verifying if a null element was not added to the list.
test_Remove() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the remove method removes the value stored at the given index.
test_Remove_Invalid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the remove method throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if given an incorrect index.
test_removeFirst_Invalid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Tests the removeFirst method by checking if it returns null when a new doubly linked list is empty.
test_removeFirst_Valid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Checks the removeFirst method is removing the first element.
test_removeLast_Invalid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Tests for when the list is empty, a null value is returned.
test_removeLast_Valid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Tests the removeLast method by checking if the last index of a list no longer contains a certain element.
test_Set() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the set method changes the value of the given index with the new value.
test_Set_Invalid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the set method throws NullPointerException when given a null value to the changeTo param.
test_Size() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that the MyArrayList size method is working correctly.
test_Size() - Method in class tests.QueueTest
Tests that the size modified correctly as you implement methods.
test_size_Valid() - Method in class tests.DLL_Test
Checks that the list size is the expected output.
test_ToArray() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests the toArray method from MyArrayList
test_ToArray_Invalid() - Method in class tests.ArrayListTest
Tests that a NullPointerException is thrown if given a null array for the param.
tests - package tests
toArray() - Method in interface utilities.ListADT
Returns an array containing all the elements in this list in a proper sequence.
toArray() - Method in class utilities.MyArrayList
toArray(E[]) - Method in interface utilities.ListADT
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in a proper sequence; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
toArray(E[]) - Method in class utilities.MyArrayList
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form